The Power of Individuality

I often catch myself thinking about the power of social conditioning and the myth of normalcy that society imposes on us all. The myth of normalcy tells us that we should follow a certain path and reach a certain milestone by a specific age: school, career, family, retirement, etc. I know the pressure of cultural […]
The Tale of the Peace Officer

Did you know that police officers were once called peace officers? The peace officer’s job was just what you would imagine: to keep communities peaceful. Over time, the culture of policing has shifted from keeping communities peaceful to empowering officers by the state to enforce the law, ensure the safety of citizens, and prevent crimes. […]
The Opposite of Good is Our Numbness to Pain

How it is possible that atrocities such as the Holocaust, Al-Anfal, or Halabja could ever occur? How is it that innocent civilians can be brutalized by law enforcement? Mass displacements of refugees? The Yazidi genocide in Northern Iraq? The Rohingya genocide in Myanmar? Is it because some human beings are intrinsically evil?Many would argue that […]